machine learning

Whither Comes the Data: Current Uses of AI and Data Set Training in Higher Ed

Whither Comes the Data: Current Uses of AI and Data Set Training in Higher Ed

The ChatGPT handwringing of late has bothered me, not least because it is cloaked in a kind of shock, like the domain of higher education has suddenly been sullied by this profane technology. But babes, it was always already here. Many faculty are learning about the impacts of artificial intelligence on their own practice as…

Ground Rules for the Robot Wars: Defining Our Terms

Ground Rules for the Robot Wars: Defining Our Terms

The first time I used ChatGPT, I was fascinated. You stick in a prompt and it spits out something. The prose is grammatically correct. It’s coherent. It knows basic paragraph structure and it connects ideas together. It obeys the prompts and offers a kind of clarity, if we define clarity in terms of accurate prose….